America’s Internet is faster than ever before, but people still complain about their Internet being too slow.New York’s Attorney General’s office 46 an investigation in the fa
At 21, Ricardo Semler became boss of his father’s business in Brazil, Semco, which sold parts for ships. Semler Junior worked like a madman, from 7:30 a. m., until midnight every
Praise often and sincerely---it’s as simple as that. Employees want to feel needed and appreciated. By offering sincere praise with examples about what they did right, you’ll go
One important thing during the pre-Christmas rush at our house was the arrival of my daughter’s kindergarten report card. She got high praise for her reading, vocabulary and overa
In 1997, 25 Japanese citizens, all older than 60, launched Jeeba ( the name means “ old man and old woman”)to make senior-friendly products. They knew they were making history
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