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M: But are there any people who don't like their pictures to be used on the website?

W: I always have my subjects' permission before I take their pictures and put up their images onto Look-Look. com.
M: Where do you find your best subjects?
W: At school, in the park, at local supermarkets and near many music clubs.
M: What is difficult about this job?
W: To catch our original styles because so many young people try hard to stand out. You have to be able to find the difference between someone who is copying trends and someone who is truly inventing a new look.
M: Thank you for talk with us, Emily.
Why is it difficult for trendspotters to catch original styles?
A、Many young people like to show off.
B、Many young people stick to the rules.
C、Many young people try to copy trends.
D、Many young people refuse to take pictures.
上一篇:M: Look-Look gets a lot of information about the ever shifting tastes of the youth market by these images.
下一篇:In 1997, 25 Japanese citizens, all older than 60, launched Jeeba ( the name means “ old man and old woman”)to make senior-friendly products. They knew they were making history when they coined their company motto: “Of the elderly, by the elderly and for the elderly.” They do not hire young people, and the oldest of their workers is 75.


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